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Fasting: how much it benefits our body and what to watch out for

Lent is a period of physical, spiritual and mental preparation of the faithful, which includes fasting, as well as the concepts of spiritual exercise and abstinence.

However, there are many who see this period as an opportunity to abstain from meat and dairy products or to lose and control their weight. Some typical examples of the beneficial effects of fasting on our bodies are:

  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels
  • Improving the function of the digestive system
  • Protecting cells from free radicals
  • Reducing body weight

Fasting is an opportunity for the digestive system to rest. Normal functions continue normally, but with reduced production of digestive secretions. The main reason for this is that the food we consume is more easily broken down. At the same time, the insoluble fibre from fruits and vegetables reduces lipid and glucose levels in the blood and helps to fight constipation. In addition, fibre intake helps to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the intestinal lining.

Also, we shouldn't overlook the fact that choosing the right nutrients during fasting can boost our memory and improve our mood. Antioxidants have been found to be associated with a reduced risk of depression, while selenium and omega-3 fats, found in fish, seem to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, while boosting our mood.

Apart from the benefits, fasting has some disadvantages. Given that, during fasting, whole food groups such as dairy, meat, eggs are excluded, which automatically means that we take in smaller amounts of protein and essential micronutrients such as σίδηρος, calcium and vitamin B12.

Apart from the unpleasant health effects in the long term, this can also negatively affect our body weight, since, for example, protein is important for creating the feeling of satiety, while the exclusive consumption of carbohydrates can cause fluctuations in blood glucose, increasing hunger.

That is why we make sure to follow a balanced diet during this period and drink plenty of water. We do not forget, therefore, that calcium deficiency is lurking, σιδήρου as well as protein deficiency if we do not include in our diets the right foods that replenish to some extent the body's protein needs, iron and calcium. Finally, pregnant women, children and adolescents, who have increased calcium and protein needs, are advised to avoid exhaustive fasting.

The Floradix is a specialized nutritional supplement with organic iron, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B6, B12, extracts of tonic plants and concentrated fruit juices. Most importantly, Floradix is one of the most absorbable forms of iron, so it has no side effects.The secret to iron is bioavailability, i.e. whether our body absorbs the amount it needs to be healthy, full of vitality! Its rich and specially studied composition Floradix covers the nutritional needs in nutrients offering the body everything it needs and becomes our daily supply to have stamina and good mood. The Floradix ensures optimal utilization of iron, thus giving back to the body all the lost energy and vitality it needs to respond to the intensive rhythms of everyday life. It does not contain sugar, preservatives, alcohol and chemical additives!

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